
F*ck That Shit is written by a huge fan of Daring Fireball. If you don’t read it, you should. I’ve been reading John Gruber’s musings since 2007-ish and absolutely love his take on the production of his website. He’s thoughtful, articulate, exacting and unique. I have loads of feeds in my RSS reader, but his is always the last one I read for the day. Oh, and if you have ever written a Markdown or Markdown-flavoured document, thank Gruber.

Anyway, this is my take on the world; less thoughtful, more reactive, somewhat sarcastic, a little sweary and hopefully humourous every now and then. And you’ll notice the Queen’s (or King’s) English too with all the letters that should be there and some very odd colloquialisms.


In no particular order:

Revision History

  • 2024-07-16: Initial version
  • 2024-07-17: Updated some styles