Just how much have shareholders been rewarded for non-investment?

It’s gobsmacking how much shareholders have been paid to run a public utility, and not invest in it’s future. Mind you, who is to blame, the shareholders or the government and regulators who allowed this to happen?

Thames Water has failed to complete more than 100 upgrades to ageing sewage treatment works to meet legal pollution limits, the Guardian can reveal.

So are they being prosecuted? And if not, why not? And if so, are any of the directors on the hook? If not, why not? And speaking of directors:

Meanwhile, Thames Water awaits a crucial decision on Thursday from the regulator Ofwat on the company’s new five-year business plan. Thames wants to increase customer bills 59% by 2030 to pay for record investment of £19.8bn to tackle sewage pollution, leaks and water shortages after decades in which the company has sweated assets and underinvested.

All this after agreeing a £150 million dividend to shareholders on March 27 this year.

So, we’ll take money out, then plead poverty and wait for the bailout since it’s a crucial public service. Sound familiar?