Palestinian chaos nothing more than death and destruction

(last updated: )

Kiran Stacey writing in The Guardian:

The UK has dropped its opposition to an international arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu,

It is about time we started to live our values. We’ve got an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin, so why not Netanyahu? They’re essentially doing the same thing, just in different parts of the world. Who’s to say Britian and the west are on the right side of this?

Over 39,000 Palestinian deaths and 1,000 Israelis since the war started in October. If we’re not appalled by this, then we should stop sending aid to Ukraine as well. Putin’s in the wrong, Hamas is in the wrong, and so is Israel. Israel are now the aggressor, and have the power and resources to pretty much do what they want, as we’re seeing. It’s time to stop the killing and oppression and start the talking again.

The Palestine / Israel conflict is incredibly complex; but it needs a solution so Palestinians can have self-determination, safety and prosperity.

A solution eludes us, but I do know 40,000+ dead humans means we need to re-double our efforts.